Navigating the intricacies of estate planning and protecting your assets according to your wishes requires careful consideration. This is where a lawyer for wills and trusts becomes invaluable. Many people postpone estate planning, believing it’s a task for later in life. However, life is unpredictable, and establishing a solid estate plan is crucial regardless of your age or net worth. Let’s examine why enlisting a lawyer for wills and trusts might be the best decision for your peace of mind.

Understanding the Importance of Estate Planning

Estate planning is more than just drafting a will. It’s a comprehensive plan for managing your assets during your lifetime and distributing them according to your wishes after death. A lawyer specializing in estate planning will guide you through various legal documents and strategies tailored to your needs.

Why You Need an Estate Plan

An estate plan acts as a guide for your loved ones during a difficult time. Without a will or trust, your assets will be distributed according to state laws. These laws may not align with your intentions.

A well-crafted estate plan can:

  • Clearly state your wishes regarding asset distribution.
  • Minimize estate taxes, ensuring your beneficiaries receive a larger portion of your assets.
  • Name guardians for minor children.
  • Plan for incapacity by designating someone to manage your financial affairs if needed.
  • Support charitable causes you are passionate about.

When creating an estate plan, consider including provisions for spousal support and clearly outlining any desired property division. Addressing these aspects can help prevent future disputes among family members during estate administration.

Wills vs. Trusts: What’s the Difference?

People often use the terms “wills” and “trusts” interchangeably, but they serve distinct purposes. Understanding the differences will help you determine the best option.

What is a Will?

A will is a legal document that outlines your wishes regarding the distribution of assets upon your death. It also allows you to name guardians for minor children.

It’s important to note that a will takes effect only after your passing. This offers no control over your assets while alive.

What is a Trust?

A trust is a legal entity you create during your lifetime to hold and manage your assets. You transfer ownership of your assets to the trust, appointing a trustee to manage them according to your instructions.

Trusts offer several advantages over wills, including:

  • Asset protection.
  • Probate avoidance. Trusts generally do not go through probate, which can save your beneficiaries time and money.
  • Privacy.
  • Flexibility. Trusts can be structured in various ways to achieve specific goals.

For instance, you can establish revocable trusts that grant you ongoing control over the assets or irrevocable trusts that offer potential tax benefits. 

Additionally, you can utilize trust to benefit your children or grandchildren, specifying conditions for their distribution. Consulting with an experienced lawyer for wills and trusts can help you determine the most suitable type of trust for your individual circumstances. 

Benefits of Hiring a Lawyer for Wills and Trusts

While you may find do-it-yourself estate planning templates online, hiring an experienced lawyer offers significant benefits. A lawyer can help you make informed decisions every step of the way.

Expertise and Guidance

Estate planning can be complex, involving federal and state laws that can be difficult to understand. An estate planning lawyer has the knowledge and expertise to navigate these intricacies.

They can help you understand relevant laws and tailor your estate plan to achieve desired outcomes. They can also advise on complex matters such as estate tax minimization and special needs planning.

Personalized Planning

A lawyer for wills and trusts will take the time to get to know you, your family, your assets, and your goals. They use this information to create an estate plan customized to your specific needs.

This level of personalization ensures that your plan effectively addresses your circumstances. It also minimizes the potential for disputes among beneficiaries after your passing.

Peace of Mind

Perhaps the most significant advantage of working with a lawyer for wills and trusts is peace of mind. Knowing that a legal professional has crafted your estate plan correctly, according to the law, provides peace of mind that your final wishes will be carried out.

This will also give you the confidence that your loved ones will be protected during an emotionally challenging time.

Factors to Consider When Choosing a Lawyer

Choosing the right lawyer is crucial. Look for a lawyer who specializes in estate planning and has experience in the specific areas relevant to your needs. These areas may include trusts for special needs beneficiaries or handling estates with business interests.

Don’t hesitate to ask for client testimonials or referrals.

Factor Description
Specialization & Experience Look for a lawyer who focuses their practice on estate planning. This ensures they possess up-to-date knowledge of estate laws and planning strategies.
Reputation & Referrals Seek recommendations from friends, family, or other professionals. Online reviews provide insight into other client experiences with the lawyer.
Communication & Transparency Choose a lawyer who communicates openly, clearly explaining legal complexities in understandable terms. Make sure they keep you informed throughout the entire estate planning process.
Fees Discuss legal fees upfront. Estate planning services may be charged at an hourly rate, a flat fee, or a combination of both.

When selecting a lawyer, consider their familiarity with grandparents’ rights, especially if you wish to address those aspects in your will or trust. You can also inquire about their experience in handling matters related to closely held family businesses to ensure they can adequately address any business succession planning needs.

What If You Don’t Have a Lawyer?

While hiring an attorney for your estate planning needs offers invaluable benefits, it’s not feasible for everyone. Thankfully, some great online services are available.

But, it’s better to have at least a simple will in place. It’s an important first step in protecting your assets and loved ones.


Planning for the future, particularly when it comes to your estate, is paramount. Working with a lawyer for wills and trusts provides peace of mind. It protects your interests, wishes, and legacy.

Although estate planning is sometimes overlooked, consulting with a skilled lawyer specializing in this field makes navigating the complexities more manageable. It helps create a solid plan ensuring your assets are cared for, according to your desires.

Protect Your Legacy with Confidence

Estate planning is a of ensuring that your hard-earned assets and loved ones are protected and cared for, even after you’re gone. At Bumbaugh George, our experienced attorneys understand the importance of creating a comprehensive estate plan that reflects your unique goals and objectives.

Our Estate Planning Services

Our team provides personalized guidance and support in areas:

  • Wills and Trust: We help you create a legally binding will and trust wishes savings.
  • Probate Administration: Our attorneys navigate the probate process, ensuring that your estate is settled effectively.
  • Tax Planning: We guidance on minimizing estate taxes that your loved the maximum inheritance possible.
  • Guardianshipconservators: Our team helps you establish guardianships and conservator protect members minors or individuals with disabilities. 
  • Elder Law: We help provide legal guidance and strategies to help seniors and their families navigate financial, healthcare, and long-term care issues.

Why Choose Bumbaugh George for Estate Planning?

Our attorneys bring a unique combination of expertise, compassion, and personalized service planning. By choosing Bumbaugh George, you can expect:

  • Personalized Attention: Our attorneys take the time to understand goals and objectives, tailoring our services to meet your specific needs.
  • Expert Guidance: Our team has extensive experience in estate planning, ensuring that you receive the most effective and efficient guidance possible
  • Compassionate Support: We understand the emotional complexities of estate planning and support throughout the process.

FAQs about lawyer for wills and trusts

How much do most lawyers charge for a will?

The cost for a lawyer to prepare estate planning documents, such as a basic will, can vary. This depends on the lawyer’s experience, geographical location, and the will’s complexity.

You can find lawyers who charge a few hundred dollars, while others charge over a thousand.

How can I find a lawyer for wills and trusts?

  • Ask friends or family for recommendations.
  • Search online directories of estate planning attorneys in your area.
  • Contact your local bar association for a referral.

Do I need to update my will and trust?

Yes, it’s recommended to review and update your will and trust every few years, or if there are significant life changes like marriage, birth of a child, or acquiring major assets.